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Annual and Sustainability Report for 2022

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Highlights of the Annual Report for 20221:

  • Profit before tax amounted to NOK 3,134 (4,767) million.
  • Profit before tax, fair value adjustments and currency result amounted to NOK 2,174 (2,068) million.
  • The Group’s financial position is solid, and the Group’s equity ratio at year end was 52% (51%), while its liquidity reserves were NOK 5,139 (8,214) million.
  • Retail sales1 in the shopping centre portfolio were NOK 57,032 million, up 3.3% on 2021.

1) The retail sales figures, which relate to wholly and jointly owned companies, are as reported by the tenants.

Forsidebilde av OTE Årsrapport 2022